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HRM Review Magazine:
Training and Development Through CD-ROMs

This article describes the elements of a successful employee training program. It explains the distinction between training and education, along with a discussion of why soft skills training initiatives are less effective than skills-based approaches. The critical role of the training manager in implementing a training program and the important considerations when developing a strategic training plan are also discussed. It also discusses several key factors that determine how employee training programs can best support company profitability.

Today, with almost all companies providing some or the other type of training to their employees, employee training has become far more prevalent than it used to be earlier. For some companies, training is a very formal process, where entire departments are devoted to conducting both initial and ongoing employee training programs. While others bring in outside consultants to conduct employee training sessions. The motivation for providing such training too varies considerably from one organization to another. A few companies are genuinely committed to enhancing the skills and competencies of their workforce, while others conduct training primarily to meet required job safety regulations. Sadly, many companies are not serious about the purpose of conducting training.


Designing Effective Employee Training Programs,elements of a successful employee, training program,between training and education, soft skills, training initiatives, skills-based approaches, critical role, training manager, training program strategic training plan.