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Advertising Express Magazine:
Marketing the Indulgent: An Alternative Perspective

With the increasing risk of childhood obesity across the globe there seems to be little change in the behavior of advertisers that encourage or discourage eating behavior that can lead to weight gain. This article presents the practical perspectives and tactics for the social marketers wishing to discourage excessive unhealthy food consumption. The article also offers `food for thought' for the current advertisers of traditionally unhealthy food, such as confectionary, as to how their actions may impact the society in which they operate.

Despite increased education and awareness about the dangers of overeating, much of the world is battling with the obesity epidemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 300 million people are obese with no signs of the upward trend changing. Contrary to popular belief, obesity is not just the scourge of the rich and frivolous countries of the world; many developing nations are now finding that they are succumbing to the obesity pandemic with cheaper and less healthy foods becoming available.

Is advertising to blame? We know that advertising is used to drive sales and this is no different in case of food advertising. We also know consumer culture is being swayed the way of the marketer. As marketers we are able to affect consumer choice, consumer knowledge, consumer behavior and even consumer beliefs. Is food marketing the reason for the obesity epidemic?

Perhaps, advertising is the solution. Perhaps as advertisers we hold a responsibility to encourage healthy living choices and encourage sustainability of consumption, rather than over-consumption or gluttony. Would anti-food advertising make a difference?


Marketing the Indulgent: An Alternative Perspective, consumer, advertising, marketing, products, healthy, consumption, behavior, developed, International, knowledge, policy, potential, promotion, commercial, companies, services, target, vegetables