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Effective Executive Magazine:

In today's economic environment, it is of utmost importance for manufacturing companies to lay emphasis on manpower planning. In this article we will discuss the key issue in manpower planning in manufacturing organizations with special reference to steel and related sectors. While discussing key issues in manpower planning process, we will primarily focus on non-executive manpower and only certain aspects of managerial manpower. This is a very important step and should be meticulously done. Manpower data from similar industries should be collected in detail: Unitwise, section-wise, and operationwise.

While collecting the manpower details, the technology used is also to be noted down in detail. In the documentation process special care should be taken to study the work organization of each unit along with manpower details. A mere collection of numbers will not carry any sense. The manpower study should encompass a cross-section of the plants under the same industry operating in India, and abroad. In some cases, if primary study is not possible, secondary data maybe taken into account. In broad terms, the above exercise will form the base document to understand the manpower requirement for the plant being set up.


Manpower Planning, Key Issues, Manufacturing Organizations, manpower planning, non-executive, managerial manpower, similar industries, industry operations, important step, broad terms,