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Effective Executive Magazine:

The making of a global Indian enterprise should start from a more fundamental level, appealing to the social, cultural and economic flavor of our country's past, present and future. Now that media has become multi, and reality is virtual and space is cyber, perhaps we can return to appreciating the rest of reality. I can't imagine a more exciting mission than merging the best of the world we are born into with that of the worlds we are creating.

The new face of global economy is creating rich avenues for In-dian enterprises to take center stage in terms of wealth generation, market leadership and above all knowledge pool and value addition. This is a promising trend which every Indian should be proud of.

But, there still are socio-economic factors, more fundamental in their nature, which have to be addressed before we dream of a global India. This article is an attempt to throw light on some such factors.We shall proceed in an analytical fashion to elicit some key problems that we face and then make a transit to a more holistic approach and try to find a solution to overcome these.


What it Takes to Make an Indian Enterprise Global :We Can Do it, global, article, avenues, addition, cultural, economic, elicit, enterprise, factors, fashion, generation, analytical, holistic, leadership, return, approach, socioeconomic, transit, solution.