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Effective Executive Magazine:

Smart negotiaion aims at a win-win situation whereby both parties are happy or content.

Smart negotiators often walk away with concessions from the other party. Yet the other party feels happy about the entire negotiation process. Somehow smart negotiators make the other party feel good and satisfied while parting with their concessions. The other party's needs are also satisfied. They apply a win-win mindset, and attain a win-win situation for all!

People negotiate to get what they want or to resolve a conflict. Negotiations often concern or deal with getting power so as to effect a win-win situation, and making both parties happy or contented. In such a situation, both parties must discuss and work out ways in which the association will be in their best interests, satisfying each other's needs.

At times since both parties are not able to see the big picture, but only a part of it, negotiating can be a trying affair and unpredictable. Uncertainty gives rise to feelings of insecurity, and consequently negotiating is not something that most people enjoy. In any negotiating situation, both parties must be prepared to give and take.


Smart Negotiation : A Win-Win Game, parties, negotiators, insecurity, interests, mindset, association, concern, people, resolve, unpredictable.