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Effective Executive Magazine:
Think Big, Act Small : How America's Best Performing Companies Keep the Start-up spirit alive

In this simple but engaging book, Jennings captures commonalities amongst US companies that have shown consistent long-term growth and profitability, by examining the workings of those that have increased revenues and profits by 10% or more for over 10 years.

Some of the companies are not commonly known, some of their businesses are "less-than-sexy," and some of their leaders are not celebrities. Yet, their businesses provide key lessons on the methods to achieve sustained profitable growth. Since 1960 for example, one of the companies highlighted-Koch Industries-has grown 1300 fold, while GE has grown 600 fold, and the S&P index has grown a 100 fold.

The book does not tout a new management mantra nor does it provide new terminology or business models. Instead, based on the research and the interactions Jennings has had with the managers at these firms, we learn of a strong back-to-basics approach with a feet-firmly-on-the-ground operating style.


Think Big, Act Small : How America's Best Performing Companies Keep the Start-up spirit alive, businesses, celebrities, commonalities, Industrieshas, interactions, backtobasics, leaders, lessons, managers, mantra, profitability, research, revenues, terminology.