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HRM Review Magazine:

The main objective of SHRM is to rescue HRM from its mundane existence in routine recruitment process and training programs that constitute the low end of the value chain. The boundary for a new discipline that views change as an internal and proactive approach to organizations is the new agenda for SHRM. It should be regarded as a form of craft knowledge that enables managers to develop an authoritative understanding of the change process.

Human Resource Management (HRM) as a distinctive approach to people and organization management has carved out a strategic place in scheme of things and hence the name Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM). It is a logical offshoot of organizational development. The main objective of SHRM is to rescue HRM from its mundane existence in routine recruitment process and training programs that constitute the low end of the value chain. Besides, it also addresses the complexities of the change management process in the modern organization and promotes an enlightened, ethical and skill focused change process.

Noticeably, during the last decade of 20th century HR scholars began to look and scrutinize the large data sets and were trying to find a linkage between people and profits. The scholarly research spread across various industries in several countries reveals that among many factors that affect the company's performance, the significant variable associated with performance is the set of human resource practices adopted by a company. The central theme focuses on pin pointing a set or a bundle of HRM practices that has a positive linkage with superior business performance. The issue simply means paying greater regard to people management and how to arrive at the composition of various HR practices that would lead to optimum people performance.


Strategic HR, Its Emergence, Human Resource Management HRM, HR scholars, management process, Strategic Human Resource Management SHRM, organizational development, people profits, ethical skill focused.