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HRM Review Magazine:

The growing `technology-mania' and the thrust for revamping corporate governance strategies have to be located essentially in light of `Strategic Human Resources Management' (SHRM), both in the interest of the organization and the individuals. SHRM, which is the latest buzzword among corporate managers, has acquired more gravity in recent times in view of the rapid growth of technology-driven services often ignoring the focus to be given to the human element in the organization. The growing gap between `invention' and `inventor' has to be minimized by relocating the contribution and productive value generated from SHRM in corporate governance strategies. This article sheds light on the need for pursuing HR management as a strategy in technology-driven organizations with illustrations from public and private sectors. What kind of an environment are you comfortable working in? What are the qualities a successful manager should have? These are the frequent questions that young people encounter when they appear for interviews in the corporate world.

There is no doubt that these are stereotypical questions. As a young man looking for a job in the cyber world says, the answers to those questions will be stereotypical too. The young man's answer to the first question was, "I am very comfortable with the environment that gives me a chance to explore my skills and ability." The reply has a lot of implications on the structure and functioning of organizations, say corporate pundits. Perhaps the biggest challenge faced by organizations today is to evolve a `corporate governance' strategy fitting to the changing needs and aspirations of human resources by delivering goods according to the expectations of the investors. In view of this shift in focus towards corporate governance, which lays emphasis on highlighting the value and utility of human resources for the successful pursuit of business interests, there is a growing realization for integrating the human capital with other inputs of the organization.


Technology driven, Corporate Governance, Reinventing Role SHRM, Strategic Human Resources Management SHRM, corporate managers, technology-driven, acquired gravity.