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Advertising Express Magazine:
Internet Advertising : A Destination for Evolving Strategies

The Internet has revolutionized the concept of advertising and businesses are looking at different ways of publicizing their products/services on the World Wide Web. Internet advertising seems to have become the ultimate destination for all marketers. This article is a preliminary investigation of this concept, presenting the various methods available and also weighing its pros and cons. It is observed that this is an efficient way of reaching global consumers, in spite of a few shortcomings.


Advertising is a very old concept which dates back to the 18th centurythe first newspaper advertisement appeared in 1704 regarding the sale of an Oyster Bay long Island estate, which was published in the Boston newsletter. In 1880, John Wanamaker, the founder of the concept of department stores, became the first to hire a ``full-time advertising copywriter'', John E Powers. He introduced the trend for modern advertising, by buying space in newspapers to promote his stores. Advertising began evolving from there and 1904 saw the formation of ``The Associated Advertising Clubs of America'', which was a group of representatives of advertising agencies.

Paper advertisements evolved into radio commercials, and in 1938, surpassed magazines as a source of advertising revenue. As television began to takeover, the first kind of television publicity was seen in 1941, when NBC's WNBT featured a "Bullova watch" for open-time and close-time signals. With the advent of videotape recording in 1956, pre-recorded commercials began to be aired. When, in 1993, the Internet became a reality with more than 5 million users worldwide, Internet advertising slowly made its way into the field and, in 1999, broke the $2 mn mark. This article aims at conducting a preliminary analysis of Internet advertising.


Advertising Express Magazine, Internet Advertising, Advertising Agencies, Evolving Strategies, Viral Marketing, Brand Advertising, Internet Marketing, Marketing Atrategies, Online Marketing, Associated Advertising Clubs of America, Marketing Management.