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Advertising Express Magazine:
Lifestyle Retailing : Bonding Customers with Lifestyle Brands

In the current cut-throat business environment, marketers have to keep pace with the changing consumer behavior and lifestyle. Consumers have to be targeted with novel marketing techniques as they no longer buy products the way they used to. Increased disposable income of the people, the role of brands and products in consumer lifestyles is tremendous, providing definite insights into companies' marketing and advertising strategies. This has attracted big companies to enter the realm of lifestyle retailing to sustain and to carve out a competitive edge in the market place. The outcome is very high visibility and vital awareness of the product among the consumers who seek convenience, value, variety and a better shopping experience.


Lifestyle has a psychological power on the people that affects purchasing behaviorreflecting an individual preference of spending time and money, and the attitudes and values involved in these behavioral patterns. In simple terms, it is a pattern of living that is expressed through activities, interests, and opinions, and influenced by demographics like a person's age, education, earnings, social class, etc. Companies have won the market place by spending millions in development and making efforts that support the beliefs and core values of the consumers. Lifestyle retailing provides tremendous opportunities to the companies in being principally effective because it can directly target a specific type of consumer who will most likely become an enthusiast of the company's specific products and, thus, provide a competitive business advantage to the company.

Until a few years ago, top managers of companies were scaling up sales steadily by conquering geographically/contacting more retail outlets in every market. With time, consumer behavior and lifestyles of the people had changed. The previous sales era of increased `breadth' and `profundity' of coverage did not seemed to generate the magical outcome it once used to.


Advertising Express Magazine, Lifestyle Retailing, Lifestyle Brands, Business Environment, Consumer Bbuying Behavior, Advertising Strategies, Unique Selling Propositions, USPs, Lakme, L'Oreal, Lifestyle Marketing, Customer Touchpoint Management, CTM, Ayush Ayurvedic Center, Shoppers' Stop Limited.