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The IUP Journal of Marketing Management :
Consumer Exploratory Behavior and its Implications on Marketing: A Theoretical Investigation

Consumer Exploratory Behavior (CEB) and its significant implications on marketing have received considerable attention in consumer psychology and buyer behavioral research. In this paper, the authors establish a comprehensive theoretical framework of CEB and its implications on marketing. It is enunciated that CEB is an important construct, which can be used by marketing practitioners and academicians to understand the psychological motivations underlying consumer buying behavior. This will enable the designing of targeted marketing plans that envisage greater effectiveness.

The notion that human behavior is sometimes influenced by the mere desire to attain a satisfactory level of stimulation, has figured prominently among theories investigating motivational tendencies as causes of people's actions. Research on this presumed need for stimulation has shown that people tend to prefer intermediate level of stimulationknown as Optimum Stimulation Level (OSL) in the literatureand there are reliable individual differences in the amount of stimulation considered to be optimal by a given person. To attain a satisfactory level of stimulation, a person may engage in the exploration of the environment or exploratory behavior.

A comprehensive review of the research on CEB has indicated it to be an important psychological construct, which explains the underlying psychological motivations of the behaviors that consumers portray during the buying process. This understanding of the exploratory behavior shown by consumers during the buying process, and underlying motivation is significant for marketers in several ways (Raju, 1980). It will enable marketers to predict the buyers' response patterns to various marketing stimuli, particularly in the context of product attributes, promotions, advertising and retailing. Marketers will, thereby, be able to adopt appropriate strategies pertaining to these contexts. In this paper, we have presented a review of these studies and established the importance of CEB in marketing.

While most of the studies on consumer buying behavior have considered demographics, behavioral and socio-economic aspects as the main variables (primarily due to the easy availability of consumer panel data that afford extensive information on demographics and purchase behavior), scant research has been done to understand and predict consumer buying behavior using psychological variables (i.e., at psychological level). While results using the above-mentioned variables have been mostly inconsistent, use of psychological variables have been recommended. Derived from the psychological concept of OSL, CEB proves to be an important psychological construct to understand the motivations underlying the purchase behaviors, thereby predicting consumer's response to various marketing stimuli.


Consumer Exploratory Behavior and its Implications on Marketing: A Theoretical Investigation, stimulation, marketing, marketing, psychological, consumer, motivations, comprehensive, enable marketers, predict the buyers, psychological concept of OSL, psychological variables.