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Advertising Express Magazine:

Today, businesses are expected to extend their attention beyond pure financial gains. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has emerged from such expectations and now formed as a powerful factor of a company's reputation. This article presents the study done on this subject, establishing the correlation between the two important concepts of CSR and corporate reputation. The article further investigates how Indian businesses are interpreting these two important concepts and are responding to provide reputed leadership. Finally, it also studies the impact of NGOs in India on CSR and reputation.


Generating wealth in a manner that is socially and environmentally sustainable will soon become a common goal of the Indian business community. Indian economy is growing at a very fast pace and keeping with this momentum it's very important that entities doing business in India are also answerable to the stakeholders on issues related to corporate citizenship. Indian companies will have to integrate social action with good community relations to provide solution to social problems, strengthen the economy, build up their company's corporate reputation and achieve competitive advantage.

Everyone in India and the world will never forget one of the world's worst industrial disaster of the Union Carbide PLC for all its horrors. However, the aftermath had at least one beneficial consequence— the intense public debate that followed the tragedy made more citizens aware of the hazards of the chemical industry as a whole. In response to this, the Chemical Manufacturing Association created the `Responsible Care Program' that is now being implemented worldwide in 22 countries. The program's aim is to improve community awareness, emergency response and employee health and safety.


Advertising Express Magazine, Corporate Social Responsibility, Indian Economy, Indian Companies, Chemical Manufacturing Association, Strategic Management, American Marketing Association, Corporate Brand, Pharmaceutical Companies, Private Sectors, Non Governmental Organizations, NGOs, Indian Culture.