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Advertising Express Magazine:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is primarily the practice of business organization to consider the economic, social and environmental impacts of its various activities. On the one hand, the society needs businesses to accomplish various objectives due to their ability to create wealth, economic benefits and raise the standard of living of the people. But, on the other hand, several business activities are not acceptable to the society and thus a conflicting situation arises between the two. The intention of the CSR should be to minimize or avoid any such conflicting situation between the goals of the society and the business organizations.


CSR comprises a wide range of important and multifaceted issues relating to the organization. Some of them could be controversial too. CSR encompasses health and safety, work conditions, governance, consumer rights, labor rights, environmental protection, social transformation, human development, empowering people, fighting against social evils, etc. The degree of the complexity and the significance of each CSR initiative depends on the various aspects related with the businesses like size, nature and the location. CSR is a highly dynamic and creative part of the business policy and there is no standard formula or prescribed norms for CSR.

As a matter of fact, the CSR initiative is not new. Certain companies like Cadbury initiated CSR as a part of the ethical business practices and to meet the need of the stakeholders. They initiated the CSR plans in the 19th century in terms of better working conditions and making the lives of the employees better. Such companies tried to fulfill the needs of all the stakeholders of the business and conducted business activities in a socially acceptable manner. A few such examples are also available in the Indian context like Tatas and Godrejs, who are the pioneers in launching CSR initiatives in Indian businesses. Some of the strong religious convictions also led the business houses to conduct their activities in an honest and decent way. A famous poet narrated the CSR very well.


Advertising Express Magazine, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Indian Companies, Societal Marketing, Non-Government Organizations, NGOs, Market Communications, Business Objectives, Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs, Self-Help Groups, SHGs, Financial Services Sector, Advertising Agencies.