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Advertising Express Magazine:

With the never-ending rise in the consumer Internet usage, there's a blitzkrieg in online games and gaming business. Publishers and game developers have jumped on to this bandwagon to advertise their products in this budding market.


Marc Prensky, CEO of Games2train, long back comprehended that the use of Internet (online) for gaming would be the future of the entertainment industry. He asserted this by presuming the notions of employee outlook and the generation gap that would be a prospect.

May be for this reason people started calling it as `Net Generation'. Rightly so, because Prensky identified the potential for the games and gaming, which would go along with computer systems and internet. This can be better described as `craving interactivity'. The term craving interactivity is used since this gaming involves technology provider. Online gaming facilitates a wide range of absorbing opportunities in terms of growth for new business models and new markets.

This online gaming can be said as the new hope of the entertainment industry, taking into consideration the convergence between the conventional media and the gaming industry. This has been initiated, in an effort to upgrade the new and sustainable business model, prompting several people across the globe to play, thereby enhancing the revenue steam for the entertainment industry. This enables the industry to nurture more into a functional and rich environment (e-business), where it can generate majority of the revenue.


Advertising Express Magazine, Online Games and Gaming, Entertainment Industry, Computer Systems, Internet, Budding Market, Business Models, E-business, Microsoft's strategy, Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming, Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, MMORPG, Global Online Gaming Sector, Online Gaming Industry, Internet Services.