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Advertising Express Magazine:
Green Marketing: The Innovative Mantra of Marketing

The mounting awareness about/on disturbed ecological balance and environmental consciousness has changed the behavioral patterns both in the individuals and businesses across the world. The apprehension towards global warming, harmful pollutants, non-biodegradable solid waste has sharply risen in the past decade. Now is the time of recyclable, non-toxic and environment-friendly green products that can help in preserving our environment and keeping it healthier. This has led the marketers to take a shift in practices and incorporate the concept of ‘Think Green’. Thus, ‘Green Marketing’ refers to a comprehensive marketing orientation wherein products and services are promoted to gratify the target audience who favor products of good quality, durability, performance and which are available at an affordable cost, simultaneously not having an injurious influence on the environment. This article discusses the notion of green marketing, its initiatives, challenges and probable strategies as conclusion.


The term ‘sustainability’ has become the keyword of this competitive era. As resources are scarce and human wants are infinite, this broadening gap has augmented the interest among the consumers all over the world regarding fortification of environment. This increasing awareness and environmental consciousness has transformed the behavioral blueprints both in individuals and businesses. Now there is an era of recyclable, non-toxic and environment responsive green goods.

All over the world, people believe that environment-friendly products are safer to use. They are, at present, showing eager interest in everything that is organic such as organic food, hybrid cars, carpooling, re-cycled products, energy saving appliances, etc. Thus, the global distress for sustainable development has highlighted the necessity to go green. In every field of human life; and that includes marketing as well. As a consequence, there is a swing in practices of marketers as well that has given birth to the concept of ‘Think Green’.

This led to green marketing which speaks of mounting market for sustainable and socially accountable products and services. It contains a wide range of tasks such as product adjustment, transforming the production process, changed advertising, modifications in packaging, etc., that aims at reducing the harmful impact of products and their consumption and disposal on the environment

Despite this world awareness, there are numerous potential challenges and issues that are required to be surmounted.

Green marketing has evolved as the new mantra for marketers to persuade the needs of target audience and thereby produce lucrative bottom lines. While the shift to ‘green’ may emerge to be expensive in the near future, it will unquestionably prove to be crucial and advantageous, cost-wise too, in the upcoming years. A majority of organizations, around the world, are making an attempt to reduce the harmful impact of production processes on the climate and other environmental conditions. They have comprehensively utilized the word ‘green’ in marketing campaigns in the form of green marketing, green supply chains, green retailing, green consumers, green products, etc. Hence, the businesses and the marketers are taking the cue and going green for the betterment of the entire society.


Advertising Express Magazine, Media Firms, Business Organization, Advertising Messages, Commercial Zapping, Celebrity Endorsement, Media Scheduling, Distribution Processes, Brand Equity, Corporate Houses, Brand Ambassador, Brand Loyalty.