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Advertising Express Magazine:
Importance of Ambient Media in Advertising

Advertisement is an admirable piece of work. Needless to say, the best advertisement obviously leaves an indelible impact on consumers to use the product or service. The highly competitive field of marketing communication is currently witnessing a period of rapid change in advertising. ‘Ambient advertising’ which is relatively new medium of advertising in India, reflects many factors in increasing cost-effective ‘breakthrough’ communication. For ambient advertising, world is an advertising stage. Ambient advertising is almost any kind of Out-of- Home (OOH) media which includes placing of advertisements/messages on sides of cows, camels, sports stadiums, air balloons, sky writing, staircases, park benches, cars, bicycles, etc. As against the traditional advertising approach; uniqueness, creativity, novelty and timing are the key themes that are used in ambient advertising to catch the attention of the target audience.


The term advertisement has been derived from the Latin word, ‘advert ere’ which means to attract the attention towards something. Apparently, this is being encashed by the present day advertisers. The advertisers/marketers, use advertisements to sell their products easily and efficiently. Increased use of technology in electronic media, print media and broadcasting media and craze among the crowd has paved way for more and more advertising. The advertisers/marketers/sellers are finding ways to sell their products effortlessly and proficiently. A few seconds of advertising commercial should be impactful enough that even after a week or a month, people feel persuaded to go for the product. That should be the kind of advertisements one must show. Duration of the advertising campaigns is not important but how creative it is and what impression it leaves on the consumer, is very important.


Advertising Express Magazine, Media Firms, Business Organization, Advertising Messages, Commercial Zapping, Celebrity Endorsement, Media Scheduling, Distribution Processes, Brand Equity, Corporate Houses, Brand Ambassador, Brand Loyalty.