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Advertising Express Magazine:
Mapping of Consumer Preference Through Advertising in Four Wheeler Segment

Advertisements not only talk about a brand or a manufacturer/supplier, but also provide product information. Four wheeler advertisements are meant to convey the marketer’s message to the prospective customers and lure them to purchase the product. The article discusses about advertising in four wheeler segment and how they impact the consumer’s preferences in purchasing them.


India has a talented younger generation, experienced professionals, and capable mentors with good academic qualifications, available at lower salaries as compared to the developed nations. This potential of India has made foreign investors to play in the Indian market in areas like medicine, retail marketing, building and construction, automobiles and its ancillaries, etc. India is a country with a large population and offers immense potential for advertising products that suit the people and their culture. The automobile and its ancillary industries have been there in India for more than 200 years. The industry is reputed in the country for providing job opportunities and in helping people move from one place to the other.

Cars and buses are one of the preferred mode of transport in India, because of low cost. With India opening itself to the global economy in 1991, the automobile industry has also expanded.Several multinational car manufacturing companies have entered the Indian market with their latest brands. Increased competition in the automobile industry has enabled realization of the potential of the Indian automobile industry.

These days, four wheelers are gaining huge attention from consumers in India. The entry of various small cars in recent years bears testimony to the flourishing four wheeler market. Various factors have been catalytic in pushing the popularity of the segment. The rise in fuel prices is one such reason. Tata Motors' cheapest car, the Nano, costing roughly Rs. 1 lakh created a sensation in the car industry with its debut in the Auto Expo 2008. The car is designated as the cheapest car in the world.


Advertising Express Magazine, Media Firms, Business Organization, Advertising Messages, Commercial Zapping, Celebrity Endorsement, Media Scheduling, Distribution Processes, Brand Equity, Corporate Houses, Brand Ambassador, Brand Loyalty.