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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Truth Behind the Lies: Advertising and Materialism

Advertising is promoting unrestrained consumption in the society and perpetuating a culture which places too much importance on material goods. This article explores its favorable and unfavorable impact on the society in general and life of the consumers in particular. It also suggests remedies to the problems so created. The importance of building positive communication strategies aimed at reducing the undue focus on materialism is highlighted.


The world around us is replete with advertising and try as hard as we might, there is no escape. There are times when we consciously subject ourselves to it, but at other times, it catches us unawares. It is ubiquitous and reaches us wherever we are. At home, it is in newspapers, on the television and even on our shampoo bottle. When we step out of the house, it is on billboards, hoardings, inside public transport vehicles and just about everywhere in sight. At work, it is on every Internet site that we log on to and on the walls of the caféteria. At restaurants, it is on the menu card. In the car parking, it is on the pamphlets on the wind screen of our cars. We find them in the annual reports of the companies in which we have invested. When we try to take loans, it comes along with the loan processing documents. We cannot escape them.

Just as advertisements are difficult to escape from, their influence on our lives is difficult to resist (Pollay, 2000). Today, they have became a potent medium of communication that perpetuates points of view in the society which gradually get translated into public opinion. They are believed to “profoundly impact the way people understand themselves and the world around them, including values and behavior” (Foley, 1997). They achieve this through their secondary role in the society; their primary responsibility however remains selling products and in some cases ideas and lifestyles too.

society which gradually get translated into public opinion. They are believed to “profoundly impact the way people understand themselves and the world around them, including values and behavior” (Foley, 1997). They achieve this through their secondary role in the society; their primary responsibility however remains selling products and in some cases ideas and lifestyles too.


Advertising Express Magazine, Media Firms, Business Organization, Advertising Messages, Commercial Zapping, Celebrity Endorsement, Media Scheduling, Distribution Processes, Brand Equity, Corporate Houses, Brand Ambassador, Brand Loyalty.