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Marketing of the Brand Bollywood

Air Deccan startedMovie marketing in India is steadily reaching the pinnacle. However, every time it reaches the peak, it seems to have just reached the bottom of another peak and there begins another challenge to face. With the change in time, audience preferences and advancements in technology, movie marketing is transforming itself into a multifaceted medium of creativity.


Marketing creates `magic'! Ever since organizations understood the importance and relevance of marketing and its influence on generating revenues, it's the play word used day in and day out for all purposes. Marketing was always related to products and services.

`Marketing' is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate target markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its products. All the products or services from soap to church require marketing to promote and woo customers.

If you are an Indian, irrespective of whether you are a movie buff or not, there is some amount of Bollywood in you! That's the charm of Bollywood. `Bollywood', the Indian name for the Hindi/national language movies, is mostly used as synonym for movies in India. No clear history can be traced for the emergence of the term `Bollywood' or as to who coined the term, but Amit Khanna emphasizes to be the foremost person to have made use of the phrase in a news story published in 1970s. Today, even Oxford English Dictionary recognizes the word `Bollywood' as an idiomatic expression of popular film industry of India based in Mumbai.


Marketing of the Brand Bollywood, Movie marketing, Products and services, Oxford English Dictionary, Film industry, Idiomatic expression, Real Global Broadcasting, UTV Software, Turner International, Amit Khanna, Air Deccan, Advancements in technology.