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Reality Shows : The New Marketing Tool

Reality shows have become the latest craze on Indian television. They are fast replacing the daily soaps as `number one' in terms of popularity. There have been both bouquets and brickbats for such type of shows but surprisingly, controversy seems to fuel their popularity even more. Marketers have been quick to cash in on the popularity of these shows and such shows have opened the floodgates for them. But the popularity of these shows doesn't appear to be the only reason why marketers use them as their new marketing tool. The article discusses the reasons for the high popularity of reality shows and the marketing opportunities therein.


Reality Shows are fast replacing the daily `daughter-in-law versus mother-in-law' soaps in Indian television. The high TRPs of the reality shows have made them the number one choice of every possible television channel. From talent-hunt shows to dance dramas, to acting-flicks, talk shows, chat-shows, cookery shows, art and craft shows, astrology shows…the list is endless. All such shows have engulfed most of the television space and they have a strong audience following to bail them out.

The happiness of watching the transformation of a common man into a celebrity is immense and to some extent it is a virtual realization of our subconscious wishes. This, combined with the amount of drama that these shows manage, also makes a strong emotional connect with the audience. Millions of Indians relate with these characters and feel a part of their dream come true in these reality shows. Some people have identified with the dreams, aspirations and struggle of the participants; some have identified themselves with the straight-talking judges while others have found a voice to identify with, in shows with a strong social tag. Talent shows have perhaps been the biggest hit among the lot with the exception of Kaun Banega Crorepati that hit the jackpot despite being a quiz show.


Reality Shows, The New Marketing Tool, Indian television, Marketing opportunities, Television channel, Talk shows, Chat-shows, Cookery shows, Kaun Banega Crorepati, Reality shows clutter television, Adlabs, Endemol, Optimystix, UTV, BAG Films and Encompass Big Boss.