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Advertising Express

Many modern ads portray woman as a sex object who is financially and emotionally dependent on men. Until very recently, Indian ads continued portraying woman in stereotypical image of a homemaker. Later ads saw her being chauvinistically depicted as "a machine" by males who forgot her own individual worth. This article discusses such issues and their effect on women, and attempts to create an awareness of the latent potential of women.


Getting liberated from men's domination was their need, carving out their own identity was the call of the time but stooping to conquer was nothing but a shameless act of greed and lack of values. All the obscene advertising by women are but a reflection of our crumbling societal values. For the media—print or electronic—what exactly is a woman? Well, the answer is simply —a product. Putting Jennifer Lopez, Lindsey Lohan or Mallika Sherawat in it is merely to sell that product.

Nowadays, there is a visible change in the world of advertising. Many of the old methods of advertising are no more effective and do not have the same mass appeal as they once had. Initially, advertising actually meant, "An effective and efficient tool that can help a businessman to multiply his turnaround". But however, with the media depending heavily on advertisement for its revenues, it makes economic sense for the advertisers to portray women in the roles generally perceived by the society. Such ads have turned women into commodities that please men and project women's images as male defined as against individuals of inherent worth.

The number of private television channels has increased from none in 1990 to 100-150 this year. Though Doordarshan's sole aim was to promote the production and transmission of programs and sports on social agendas, with the passage of time, things changed to such conditions that the depiction of women changed from bad to worse.


Women-Tise-Ment, IPL Cricket Tournaments , Media Distortions, Information and Broadcasting , National Commission for Women, Videocon International, American Psychological Association, APA , Emami, HDFC Standard Life.