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Advertising Express Magazine:
Leadership Strategies of Market Sustainability Through Competitive Intelligence

Winning is all about staying ahead. The world recognizes only the winners. In this era of globalization, firms are striving hard to sustain and maintain their position. Today, if the leaders of the organizations have to sustain, they need to compete with their rivals. And to compete, they need to outline strategies based on the competitor’s actions and reactions and plan in a futuristic style taking into account all the favorable and unfavorable conditions: political, social, economical and environmental considerations.


The term ‘Competitive Intelligence’ (CI) was coined in the mid-1970s when techniques used in political intelligence started to be used for commercial purposes. In more recent years, CI has become a viable and necessary process that is accessible by many and it is important for an enterprise to have it in order to protect its organizational information and reputation. It came into existence due to the high demand for information. It basically involves initial gathering of information about your competitors in an ethical manner throughout the course of business and later analyzing that information to help the organization understand the competitive scenario and predict the future of business. CI is important for all large, medium and small businesses who compete for market share as their decision makers need to know the competitive landscape in order to develop solid strategies.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Failures, Indian Landscape, Intangible Asset, Promotional Media, Indian Customers, Brand Equity, Product-centric Organizations, Supply Chain Management, Portable Stereo Systems, Indian Markets, Global Markets, Online Media, Innovative Products.