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Effective Executive Magazine:
Branding: It’s Not Enough These Days That They Know Your Name, It’s How They Feel About You That Counts

Today, name recognition is still important, a unique benefit is as well, although as we will see a little later, not always. But feelings trump all! Hence, ‘branding’. And in this article we will talk a bit about how to create it.


When I first started writing advertising copy over 40 years ago, the objective was quite simple: to make consumers remember your name, and hopefully, a product benefit.

Procter and Gamble’s Tide detergent, which I supervised for several years, got your clothes cleaner/whiter/brighter. That was it. The consumer’s feelings were not considered all that important, although some of us intuitively thought they were, and made sure our advertising reflected them.

Today, name recognition is still important, a unique benefit is as well, although as we will see a little later, not always. But feelings trump all! Hence, ‘branding’. And in this article we will talk a bit about how to create it.


Effective Executive Magazine, Knowledge Economy, Training and Development Programs, Organization Network Analysis, Talent Management Principles, Organizational Performance, Quality Revolution, World Economic Forum, National Economic Foundation, Global Economy, Leadership Development, Employee Engagement.