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Effective Executive Magazine:
Management Lessons from Youth Sports

Being a youth coach is extraordinarily fun to do because of the relationships with the players. You will learn a lot about yourself and about human dynamics in scenarios that are hard to duplicate anywhere else.


A few weeks ago I completed a really enjoyable five-year experience of coaching my son’s recreational soccer teams. I was an assistant coach and a head coach for Ben’s soccer teams from kindergarten co-ed soccer, where we used nerf soccer balls in indoor soccer, through fourth grade all-boys soccer where things were starting to become a bit more like competitive soccer.

If you’ve ever been in this situation, you probably have seen a number of parallels from this experience to that of being a business manager. I encourage you to coach a youth sports team even if you don’t know that much about the sport. You will learn a lot about yourself and about human dynamics in scenarios that are hard to duplicate anywhere else.


Effective Executive Magazine, Knowledge Economy, Training and Development Programs, Organization Network Analysis, Talent Management Principles, Organizational Performance, Quality Revolution, World Economic Forum, National Economic Foundation, Global Economy, Leadership Development, Employee Engagement.