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Global CEO Magazine:
Destination UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), one of the world's fastest growing economies and an attractive tourist destination, has everything from desert safaris to designer shopping, towering sky scrappers to flourishing banking, in true exotic luxury. It is one of the top FDI destinations in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region and still there lies an immense potential for foreign investors to invest in the Emirates. This country study highlights how the economy is diversifying from overdependence on oil to other emerging areas and also focuses on several exciting business opportunities offered by UAE.


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a union of seven sov- ereign sheikhdoms, formed when the British withdrew from the Gulf in 1971. UAE occupies an area of 83,600 sq km along the south-eastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Qatar lies to the west, Saudi Arabia to the south and west, and Oman to the north and east. The capital and the largest city of the federation, Abu Dhabi is located in the Emirate of the same name. Four-fifth of UAE is desert, yet it is a country of contrasting landscapes. It boasts of mountains, beaches, deserts, oases, camel racing, markets and the renowned duty-free shopping of dazzling Dubai - all packed into a relatively small area. UAE is also a place of contrasts - where traditional Bedouin lifestyle meets Western consumerism and big-town bling.

Abu Dhabi, the federal capital of UAE, is one of the most modern cities in the world. It is the center of government and a hub for businesses in UAE, headquarters of the Emirates' oil operating companies and serves as the location for embassies of countries around the world. The architecture of its modern buildings and sky scrapers is among the finest in the Middle East. Abu Dhabi's oil wealth has been wisely utilized to encourage a healthy environment for trade and commerce in addition to and other than that of oil and oil-related industries. Large gardens and parks, green boulevards lining all the streets and roads, sophisticated high-rise buildings, state-of-the-art communication services and transport, the presence of all the international luxury hotel chains, rich shopping malls, cultural centers and events provide tourists a one-of-a-kind experience all the year round.


Destination UAE, United Arab Emirates , Middle East and North Africa, MENA, Middle East's Banking and Tourism Industries, UNESCO, Cultural Capital, Economic growth, Union National Bank, Western consumerism.