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HRM Review Magazine:
The Changing Role of Rewards at the Workplace

This article deals with the changing role of rewards at the workplace in the liberalized economy. It also establishes the growing importance of rewards in today's organizations and supports reward strategy as a tool for recruitment and retention of employees.


The emerging trends in business and stringent competition due to globalization of economy have led domestic and multinational organizations to compete for the same customer, and also to compete on recruitment and retention of talent. And, rewarding performance is now a key differentiator for companies as they look to attract, retain and motivate their employees. It is necessary to reorient the HR practices to keep pace with the changes that are taking place both in the nature of work as well as in the perception of employees due to increasing opportunities the employees have before them in today's organizations. The effective implementation of this will result in achieving the business goals and enhancing the morale of the employees.

The business scenario has thus led to radical changes at the `workplace' and demands a paradigm shift in Human Resources (HR) practices in the organizations. As a result, employers offer explicit time-bound rewards for performance to their employees, especially rewards that enhance an individual's marketability.

For effective implementation of rewards, no single factor holds the key, including financial rewards. Instead, a combination of approaches is necessary to ensure that the employees feel valued and equitably compensated for their efforts.


Globalization of economy, Human Resources , HR, Multinational organizations, Business scenario, Traditional payment system, Economic and social systems, IT-enabled organizations, Business strategy.