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MBA Review Magazine:
Industry-Academia Interface : Perspectives and Practices

This book deals with the numerous approaches to and the potential benefits of industry-academia interface, both in technical and management education. The experiences and case studies from several initiatives in the Western world and some recent developments in India are also included.


Businesses worldwide, in general, and India, in particular, currently operate in a rather competitive and dynamic environment. The thrust on developing and nurturing human capital has, therefore, gained considerable importance. Both the industry and the academia have to play a vital role in developing quality human resources. Effective industry-academia interface is, therefore, essential.

The book is a collection of articles on industry- academia interface authored by a number of experts. Specifically, the book highlights potential benefits of interface, approaches to promote partnerships and case studies of successful partnerships. The collection spans technical and management education as well as processes for knowledge and technology transfer. The articles are based on experiences in India, the US and Europe. The collection is, thus, rich and varied.

Industry-Academia interface can be defined as interactive and collaborative arrangement between academic institutions and business corporations for the achievement of certain mutually inclusive goals and objectives. This is analogous to the producer-consumer relationship where the consumer feedback is carefully incorporated in the production of a product or a service.


Industry-Academia Interface, National Technology Agency, NTA, Knowledge Management Forum, MNCs, Indian School of Business, ISB, Business Communication , United Pacific Railroad Company, Summer Internship Program, Pantaloon Retail India Limited.