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MBA Review Magazine:
Challenges for MBA Students

Lack of soft skills, entrepreneurial skills and leadership skills are the three problems, at present, that the Indian youth have to do battle with. This article dwells at length on these issues and also focuses on the differences between leaders and managers. In the end, it calls upon the youth to face whatever challenges come their way squarely and soar like the eagle.


Indian youth are strikingly more optimistic about their own future and also about the future of society. The general picture in other countries is that young people tend to be personal optimists but societal pessimists.

When one of the richest persons in the world, Mr. Laxmi Niwas Mittal was asked what regret he had in life, he replied that he regretted not having an MBA. He is the only Indian who leads in a particular sector globally i.e., steel sector. He has achieved success in life and accumulated a lot of wealth; ;yet, he still rues not doing MBA.

MBA is one of the most sought after qualifications in India. After completing graduation students prefer to go in for an MBA because it offers a wide range of opportunities. Engineering graduates are also opting for this degree as it widens their mental faculties as well as provides faster career growth. As a result, we find mushrooming B-Schools in India. In this context, it is essential to pursue and find out the significance and importance of this qualification. Let us also look at the various prospects and problems involving the Indian youth in this regard.


Challenges for MBA Students, Lack of soft skills, Entrepreneurial skills, Leadership skills, Career growth, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Absorbability, Mr. Laxmi Niwas Mittal, Abilities and Awareness, Business Environment, Presentation skills.