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MBA Review Magazine:
Distance Education : Future Scenario

The future of distance education will be heavily tilted towards technology-based e-learning programs encompassing school education, university education and corporate learning.


The teaching-learning process which began several centuries ago is perhaps as old as the human race. The documented experiences of organized teaching and learning, dates back to the `gurukula' concept where a learner lived with the teacher and imbibed knowledge, skills and attitude required for his future life and career. In addition to this, he was greatly influenced by the personality, values and beliefs of the teacher which molded his life as a learner especially during the formative years. This experience was very valuable for the learner as he learnt many things interacting with fellow learners and this provided a very valuable experience in the process of socialization. The fundamental philosophy that operated in the education process was learning from teachers, learning from colearners and of course the books and other printed material.

The world has come a long way from a closed educational experience of intense interaction with the teacher. The 20th and 21st centuries have seen a major paradigm shift in the very philosophy of teaching and learning. In addition to the concept of formal schooling, education took place at predefined times and students went back to their living environment after this limited interaction with teachers. From this scenario, education has moved towards self-learning, reducing the importance of the presence of a teacher. This has not just reduced the importance of a teacher but has increased the importance of developing and providing self-learning materials so that a learner can set his own milestones and learn by selected interaction with a teacher.


Distance Education, Information and Communication Technology, ICT, Web-based Learning, Distance Education Programs, Knowledge Professionals, Self- Learning Mode, Technology-based E-learning Programs, Corporate Sector, Online MBA program.