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MBA Review Magazine:
Effectiveness of PACs : A Case Study

Most of the B-Schools constitute Performance Appraisal Committees (PACs) to keep track of the progress of students and recommend various measures to improve their performance. But, the effectiveness of PACs has been under a cloud many times. This case study gives an in-depth knowledge of a PAC and its functions.


Most B-Schools constitute a PAC to assess the quality and progress of students during their management program. To some extent, it helps in designing requirement-based crash courses, some value added programs and classification of students into different categories and implementation of various corrective measures. Many a time it deviates from the purpose for which it is constituted and becomes a mere quality assessment effort to satisfy different governing bodies. For all Tier-I institutions it is quite successful as the quality of input is exceptionally very good and management really give a lot of importance to PAC. But for Tier-II and other institutions where the quality of inputs are not at par with the Tier-I institutions and students also have very heterogeneous profiles in terms of basic qualities like attitude, personality, soft skills, fundamental subject, knowledge, etc. Altogether, it brings immense challenges for institutions. The PAC has huge responsibilities to work towards this and make sure that students are really progressing on a day- to-day basis. Here is a case of a PAC track record in one of the colleges in Bangalore and various difficulties faced by it before ultimately succeeding. The college name and other details are kept undisclosed for various reasons. But, this case will definitely bring fresh insights into the formation of PAC and its activities.

This is a case of one of the Tier-II, B-Schools aspiring to become one of the leading institutions in India. In its struggle for excellence it invested a lot of money in infrastructure and recruiting experienced faculty. Management expectations were too high but fewer efforts were made on behalf of the management as far as perks and other benefits were concerned. The faculty was overloaded with teaching hours that were more than necessary and also with a lot of administrative works, which resulted in a high rate of attrition. Three directors left the college even as early as three years back. Last year one person joined as director who was very focused and left no stone unturned in trying to improve the quality of students and meet the dream of the management to become one of the leading institutions in the country. He started various curricular, extracurricular and co-curricular activities and constituted various committees of which PAC is one of the important initiatives.


Effectiveness of PACs, Performance Appraisal Committees, PACs, Management Program, Management Expectations, Technical Skills, Personality Development, Student Development Program, SDP, Conceptualize Management Concepts.