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MBA Review Magazine:
Nanotechnology : Business Perspectives

Nanotechnology has emerged as the primary enabler for innovation and education in science and engineering. It is gaining importance day by day as it is affecting almost every aspect of human life, from the medicines we use to the energy, computers, food, cars, buildings and even the clothes we wear.


During the 1980s, K Eric Drexler, a researcher and author popularized the word `nanotechnology'. Within a decade, it emerged as an important new area for investment and business opportunity. Nanotechnology is already having an impact on many industries of both established companies and young start-ups. It is now helping businesses on innovations in nanostructures and nano-scale developments in materials science, information technologies and the life sciences.

In its creative form as defined by Drexler "Nanotechnology refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom-up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products." It can be described as a range of technologies performed on a nanometer-scale with widespread applications as an enabling technology in various industries. According to the Webster Dictionary, nanotechnology is "The art of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale especially to build microscopic devices such as robots."


Nanotechnology, Business Perspectives, Nanometer-Scale, Information Technologies, Business Opportunity, Nanotechnology Innovations, Research and Development, Disruptive Technology, Nuclear Energy, Global Warming, Automobile Industry.