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MBA Review Magazine:
Success at CAT Demystified

One of the most prestigious entrance examinations of our country and a forerunner to the most sought-after careers, Common Admission Test or CAT, is not that difficult to crack. The success in CAT is not the outcome of one-day efforts, but the result of long-term strategic preparation.


CAT is one of the most distinct and reputed competitive examinations of our country leading to assorted careers. Making a mark at CAT ensures entry to the country's apex management institutes. Passing through the gateway called CAT has the power of transforming one's life. Preparing for CAT can mark the beginning of the journey to a different world, the world of professional excellence. CAT is not an ordinary exam and, thus, requires efforts beyond the ordinary. Even the hard-work not done smartly is not going to pay. In the absence of a suitably designed individual strategy, it is really difficult to get through CAT. Dedication, determination and discipline are the key virtues that will pay in tackling CAT. The preparation for CAT should start with the formulation of a tailor-made strategy—a strategy that incorporates analysis of current level of knowledge and information, the level required to achieve success at CAT, the amount of efforts needed and a well-defined schedule for making such efforts. All efforts being made in the direction of emerging victorious in CAT must be made with a winning attitude. The attitude serves as the control mechanism whenever the aspirant strays from his predetermined schedule.

Prior to an encounter, it is always beneficial to know the strengths and weaknesses of the other party. First step prior to commencement of preparation for CAT should be to know the test in all its dimensions. A thorough understanding in terms of knowledge, accuracy and speed are of utmost importance. Information like number of questions in the previous CAT, duration of the test, cut-offs at different institutes during last few years, etc., proves beneficial in securing a commendable rank in CAT. Reading about CAT in newspapers and magazines helps in gathering information that can direct the strategy formulation for and by an individual. It is highly advantageous to meet previously successful candidates as they can give some useful tips. Also meet other CAT aspirants to know about their strategy. Another good thing would be to know what is tested at CAT. Data analysis and interpretation, logical reasoning, general analytical skills, comprehensive skills, language ability along with overall intelli-gence are the basic skills on test in CAT. Beyond these, certain managerial skills such as planning, organizing, time management, balancing between speed and accuracy and decision-making skills get tested either while preparing for CAT or during CAT. One has to be really competent to be successful at CAT. Elementary knowledge of various subjects—especially of mathematics, statistics and science—along with a comprehensive linguistic power can be the master tools for emerging victorious at CAT.


Success at CAT Demystified, Common Admission Test , CAT, Professional excellence, Dedication, Determination and Discipline, Data analysis and interpretation, Logical reasoning, General analytical skills, Comprehensive skills, Language ability,Linguistic power.