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Advertising Express Magazine:
Advertising Strategies Adopted by Higher Education Institutes in India

Although television advertising has been the most widely used mass advertising medium across the world for most of the consumer services, few services like education are still lagging in this aspect. Local print medium has been the most widely used channel for advertising educational services. However, of late some educational institutes have started advertising on the television. Although the number is very small, the idea of television advertising seems to be growing at a fast pace.


Advertising has been one of the oldest and highly used components of the promotional mix of any organization. Philip Kotler defines advertising as, "Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor". Earlier, advertising was the most prominently used tool of promotion. Despite the emergence of various below-the-line promotional activities, advertising on mass media still holds its importance. Advertising is estimated to be a more than $500 bn industry worldwide. In India, the size of advertising industry is estimated to be around Rs. 20,000 cr which is growing at a rate of 15% annually.

According to Kotler, there are three main objectives of advertising: Inform, Persuade and Remind. Informative advertising informs the consumer about the product features, usage and pricing. It also tries to reduce consumer fear and builds the image of the company. Persuasive advertising tries to build brand preference and encourages the consumer to either buy your products or switch from competitor's brand to your brand. They also persuade the consumer to buy the products immediately. Reminder advertising has the objective to remind the consumer about the utility of the product in the near future and maintaining a top of the mind awareness during off season.

Various tools used for advertising are newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, outdoor and Internet. All these tools have their advantages and disadvantages. This article throws light on the usage of television as an advertising tool in the Indian education industry. Although, TV advertising is a very new phenomenon in the Indian education industry, it is picking up pace slowly. The article will discuss the nature and history of Indian education, with special reference to higher and professional education only, followed by a detailed analysis of current level of TV advertisement in the sector.


Advertising Express Magazine, Advertising Strategies, Higher Education, Advertising Industry, Education Forms, British Culture, Education Sectors, Advertisement Campaigns, Global Careers, Conventional Celebrities, Educational Services.