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Advertising Express Magazine:
Building Customer Loyalty Through Internet and Mobile Phones

In today's competitive era, marketers are using all possible means to attract and retain customers. The two emerging tools with wide usage are Internet and mobile. These two media are being extensively used both for building B2B and B2C relationships. This article discusses the use and effectiveness of mobile and Internet services in building customer loyalty.


Mobiles are no longer regarded as just tools for personal or official correspondence. With great emphasis on mobile network services and development of technologically well-equipped mobile handsets and application software, there has been a significant increase in the ways by which mobiles are being used by the marketers to build relationships with the customers. In fact, we ourselves get so many messages from insurance companies or other service-oriented companies, about new products or schemes or any other related information or even reminders.

The growth of Internet has built bridges of communication between the companies and customers. Transformation of mobile channels from wireless communication to mobile web is also supporting customer needs today. From a customer's point of view, this is a B2C relationship. The purpose of this relationship is to coordinate all CRM strategies and contact customers through multiple channels.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is very important for building relationships and establishing trust with customers, which will ultimately lead to customer loyalty. Developing an effective CRM program and implementing it properly will help to fulfil customers' expectations and will also help to improve the quality of customer service. Marketers use a variety of media of direct marketing to build trust among customers.


Advertising Express Magazine, Customer Loyalty, Mobile Network Services, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Direct Marketing, Wireless Communications, Insurance Companies, Decision Making Process, Customer Retention, Online Communities, E-Commerce, Mobile Applications, Customer Satisfaction.