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Advertising Express Magazine:
Initiating Conversations with Customers A Focus on Outdoor Advertising

Engaging in conversation with potential customers has become an art. An efficient two-way communication procedure between the company and the customer is the result of how the company creates the first impact regarding a product or service in the minds of a customer so as to build an urge in him or her to initiate a conversation. A powerful tool for implementing such an action is outdoor advertising. This article focuses broadly on this aspect of marketing with a small sample survey as a basis of data support.


Great businesses of today have learned how to effectively market by communicating directly with customers. Modern marketing goes beyond application of the standard tools of effective marketing mix. It calls for more than just developing a good quality product to pricing it attractively, and making it accessible. Communication with the present and potential stakeholders and the general public is also important. For most companies, the problem is not whether to communicate but rather what to say, to whom to say, and how often. This gives rise to a very fundamental question; whose responsibility is it to create or initiate the conversation? Is it the responsibility of the customer abiding by their needs, wants and demand or is it the responsibility of the company keeping in mind the business interests?

From a marketing perspective, taking into account the global economic scenario at present, it can easily be inferred that it is primarily the responsibility of the seller, rather than the buyer. This is because a customer (buyer) has many product options and service alternatives available in the market for choosing or even has a preference for any one of them in particular. Thus, it is evident that companies should try and devise the ways of initial communication in such a way that a potential customer gets lured or feels the urge to enquire about the product or services delivered by the company and strikes the conversation at the first place. Therefore, it increases the chances for the rest of the customer life cycle -starting from knowing, liking and buying the product to repeat purchase and product advocacy. The major core marketing concept associated with this type of consumer behavior is popularly known as `pull' marketing, i.e., persuading the customer to try out a product or service and continue using it. One of the most powerful tools in `pull' marketing is an effective advertising strategy which is ideally considered as the primary way by which a company can initiate a communication. Furthermore, the easiest and cheapest possible way for this is outdoor advertising. The following discussion and analysis focuses particularly on outdoor advertisements as a means of initiating an effective communication with potential customers and how they feel about it.

The very essence of outdoor advertising triggers the vision of colorful billboards and glowing neon lights alongside the streets, highways or on building tops. Included in the `outdoor' classification are also benches, posters, signs and even transit advertising (the advertising on buses, roads, subways, taxicabs and trains). Outdoor advertising, in fact, reaches its audience as an element of the environment itself. Unlike newspaper, radio or television, it does not require an `invitation' to your home. Neither does it interrupt something that the customer is otherwise engaged with, nor does it require any sort of entertainment to sustain its audience.


Advertising Express Magazine, Outdoor Advertising, Pull Marketing, Modern Marketing, Customer Communication, Corporate Communication, Innovative Strategies, Advertising Campaigns, Product Advocacy, Advertising Strategies, Outdoor Classifications.