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Advertising Express Magazine:
Modern Trends in Advertising

Advertising is the backbone of business promotion. It is one of the essential aspects of marketing. Advertising, which has so far been very traditional with limited flexibility, is undergoing a rapid change. Today, advertising has become quite interactive and exciting. Techniques, like web-advertising, video-conferencing, multimedia, expert systems usage, etc., are making advertising more modern. This article discusses some of the modern trends in advertising.


Advertising is going hi-tech today. Technology is being extensively applied in the promotion of highly technical products and fast moving consumer products. The merger of computer and communication or the computer telephony integration popularly known as the ICT is playing a vital role in making advertising highly technical. Technology has even entered into services and we today have e-business, e-commerce, e-learning, e-medicine and e-governance, which are using hi-tech tools.

Advertising is all about attracting and satisfying the customer's wants, needs and desires. Businesses can grow in leaps and bounds only when they satisfy their customers in terms of delivering innovative products and services and provide after-sales support.

Earlier, providing rapid and wide promotional support encountered problems like delay in obtaining media support, delay in extending the timely advertising support due to manual operations and delay in analyzing the effect of advertising. Today, with the emergence of powerful infotech tools, advertising support is becoming fast, timely and customer-oriented.

Today, the concept of service sector segment is `customer-centric'. An enterprise is said to be `customer-centric' when its key deliveries and services share and focus on one common point: enterprise/customer satisfaction.

Infotech applications like MIS (Marketing Infosystem) in CIS (Customer Infosystem), Data warehousing, Data mining, Database Networking, KBS (Knowledge Base Systems and ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) are playing a vital role in modern age advertising systems.


Advertising Express Magazine, Modern Trends Advertising, Business Promotions, Web-Advertising, Marketing Infosystem, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Database Networking, Customer Satisfaction, Information & Communication Technologies, Electronic Media, E-advertising, Advertising Sectors.