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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Vodafone Journey

With increased advertising budgets and a large number of similar products in the market, novel methods of advertising have become necessary to catch the attention of the consumers and at the same time ensure that the message lasts for a longer time in the minds of the customer. Innovation has, thus, become the new flavor of the season. The success of the Vodafone ads are a testimony to this fact.


Customer's today are independent, individualistic, well-informed and analyze their needs on a constant basis. An advertisement that is interactive and informative appeals to the public at large and creates in them the desire to own the product. A large number of advertising agencies like Ogilvy and Mather, Lowe India, Mudra Communications, McCann Asia Pacific are some of the leaders in the world of communication and advertising who have changed the face of advertising by bringing in new concepts and ideas. With the creation of lovable, alien like characters, the Zoozoos, the Indian advertising community has scaled new heights and earned laurels for itself in India.

When Hutch introduced the advertisement of the Pug and the little boy, the telecom provider developed a very strong personality for itself with the slogan "Wherever you go our network follows". The Hutch network came to life with a very cute kid followed by the Pug. Naturally, everyone fell in love with the simple message communicated effectively with the backdrop of a song that had instant recall. The brand acquired the image of being charming and adorable and the dog became its brand ambassador. Leveraging on the popularity of the interest created by the dog and the message, Hutch established itself in the telecom circle in the country.

In 2007, Vodafone acquired 67% stake in Hutchison and re-branded Hutch telecom into Vodafone. Vodafone enjoys a youthful image, with the benefit of a high budget and an innovative thrust on R&D. With the sale of Hutch to Vodafone the next move of the Vodafone was eagerly awaited in the market. The market was enthusiastic to perceive the evolution of a new brand, but were in for a surprise when Vodafone made a comeback with the Hutch theme though with minor changes, which emphasized more on the services offered than the network. The little Pug that made Hutch's television ad one of the most successful campaigns got to stay despite Vodafone taking control of the mobile firm.


Advertising Express Magazine, The Vodafone Journey, Advertising Budgets, Advertising Agencies, Indian Advertising Community, Value-Added Services, Pug Dog Campaign, Advertising Campaigns, Vodafone Advertisements, Customer Loyalty, Zoozoos.