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Global CEO Magazine:
Corporate Social Responsibility : Cornerstone for Organizational Success

It has already been proved that well-known companies can differentiate their position in terms of reputations and brands as well as their products and services, if they take responsibility for the well-being of the society and environment in which they function. A number of big companies are practicing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a manner that makes a great impact on the society and provides better synergy returns to their business. CSR has always been an integral part of vision and core value of every good corporate.


In recent years, the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been given a lot of attention by various organizations. CSR is not charity but it is a core business strategy of an organization. It is not a common term; many Indian companies talked about responsible business or triple P (People, Planet and Profit). Some companies prefer to call it sustainable development or sustainable business.

CSR is a key global issue that should be incorporated into an organization. The concept behind CSR is that, part of the profits of the organization should be diverted to socially responsible activities for the benefit of the society.

In a simple way, we can also say that CSR is the impact of an organizational action on society. So the job of every leader is to start thinking systematically about CSR since businesses are an integral part of the community in which they perform. Therefore, an organization should know that their long-term success is based on continued good relations with a wide range of individuals, groups as well as other organizations.


Global CEO Magazine, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Business Strategy, Organizational Action, Economic Value, Corporate Ethics, Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Sustainability, Ethical Behavior, Corporate Resources, Ethical Consumerism, Business Organization, Business Environment, Corporate Culture.