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Global CEO Magazine:
Virtual Transformation

Distributed business model driven by globalization has created the need to operate virtually. To implement the concept of networked enterprise with limited physical presence and interaction, a seamless `virtual enterprise' has to be tailored. Constructing and operating the true virtual enterprise calls for planned design, supporting infrastructure, adapting culture and committed leadership with a focus on virtualization.


Physical boundaries of organizations are fading away. Workforce and business partners operating at different locations interact and work together virtually. Wireless gadgets like Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) have transformed the way road warriors operate. Now, sales representatives remain connected with their firm, receive latest lead information, update customers' data, place customers' orders and report to their bosses - all from the field, without physically going to their office. Likewise, service personnel receive work orders and update their status virtually. Research by Nemertes indicates that nearly 87% of the workforce is working outside the traditional main office, creating the need to support a true virtual enterprise, a matter of competitive edge.

Today, for many skilled workers, their residence is the workplace. They perform jobs without commuting between residence and office. Flare Consultants was the pioneer in creating a virtual office. The consulting team of Flare consultants is spread across south east of England and North America. A business infrastructure was created, so that the consultants' team can communicate with each other, clients, partners and suppliers irrespective of their locations and time zones. Sharing a whiteboard helped the Flare Consultants in spelling out ideas and concepts.


Global CEO Magazine, Virtual Transformation, Virtual Enterprise, PPersonal Digital Assistants, PDAs, Virtual Working Environment, Business Process Outsourcing, BPO, Original Equipment Manufacturers, OEMs, Work-Life Balance Issues, Global Markets, Knowledge Management Technologies.