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HRM Review Magazine:
HR Practices in a Recessionary Economy

The article discusses HR practices in the recessionary economy and the issues that confront HR managers and the top management of the organizations. The various stakeholders have different and conflicting expectations and the management is hard pressed to balance these. The article outlines the HR practices and issues in five key areas of human resources classified as 5Rs—Recruitment, Results, Rewards, Retention and Retrenchment.


Tough times call for tough decisions. The singular dilemma of top management in the recessionary business environment is prioritization in meeting the expectations of diverse stakeholders—the shareholders/ owners expect their share value to be retained, the employees expect their jobs and emoluments to be protected, the distributors expect support in running business when risks are coming down, the suppliers expect to supply the required material at the same price and preferably the high quantities procured before, the government expects the company to take care of the society around the business. All these diversified and conflicting expectations have made decision making by the company very tricky. This article, we examines the conflicts with respect to HR functions in an organization, employee expectations and its impact on other stakeholder's desires. These decisions are examined under ethical perspective since ethics as a concept takes into consideration the social and cultural environments, and morals prevailing in the society.

Ethics is often talked about, but seldom considered while making managerial decisions. As per the Chambers dictionary, ethics means "that branch of philosophy which is concerned with human character and conduct; a system of morals or rules of behavior." There are multiple factors that are ingredients in defining the ethical behavior from an individual like honesty, expertise, independence, loyalty, fairness and advocacy. These factors help in guiding the conduct of the individual and also in communication and setting the expectations regarding the conduct from an individual.


HRM Review Magazine,Recessionary Economy, Business Environment, Corporate Culture, Social Environment, Economic Downturn, Information Technology, IT, Economic Value Added, EVA, Financial Crisis, Financial Organizations, Strategic Challenges.