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The IUP Journal of Commonwealth Literature
Cosmic Man

Sahasra shirsha purusha, sahsaraksha sahasra paath

I am a star
somewhere in
the cosmos—

Sun, Sirius, Pollux,
Arcturus, Aldebaran,
Rigel, Betelgeuse, Antares…

In a million
stars, in a trillion
stars, I am unique…

I am the universal star,
I am the universal man,
I am the cosmic man…

The Gods tie me up in
space and throw me into
the fire—

I am the sacrifice—
Spring, Summer and
Autumn light up in

flaming leaves to engulf me—
I sacrifice myself
to create the universe…

From existence to awareness,
from thought to action,
I merge myself into


Commonwealth Literature Journal, Cosmic Man, Sahasra Shirsha Purusha, Fisherwomen Praying, Mature Poetry, Matriarchal Voice, Hereditary Rights, Universal Man, Sahsaraksha Sahasra Paath.