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The IUP Journal of Commonwealth Literature
Dharana (Live the Role)

The phone rang when Kavita was seriously engaged in her work. It was her T mother from home. "Here! Sravya wants to ask you something." Saying she handed over the phone to her granddaughter.

Keeping her pen aside, turning away from the computer, "What's it Sravya, have you done the exam well?" Kavita inquired.

"I've. I was asked to write numbers twenty to fifty. I wrote them." Waiting for a moment, she continued "Amma! On your way back are you getting me the fancy dress?"

"Fancy dress?" Kavita wondered aloud, puzzled.

"Yes. The teacher asked me to come in fancy dress for tomorrow, you know! If you don't get me the dress how can I go to the school tomorrow?" Sravya said by now tears gurgling in her throat.

It was then that Kavita remembered that the next day was November Fourteenth, Children's Day. `But what's this fancy dress? Haven't heard of this before!' She mused and then asked, "When did the teacher announce it, today?"

"No, She told us yesterday itself. This morning I told Nanna, you know! He promised to get me one this evening."

"Okay", Kavita hung up lost in thought.

`Did she tell him of the fancy dress? But he didn't talk of it either, did he?' Pondering, she called Sridhar. "Did you promise Sravya that you would get her fancy dress?" She asked.

"No, I haven't." Sridhar replied.

Kavita understood. Sravya must have told him when he went to drop her at school. But in the rush he may not have heard her. Even if he did he forgot about it.


Commonwealth Literature Journal, Dharana, Rajastani Dresses, Suklambhara Dharam, Transcendental Bliss.