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The IUP Journal of Commonwealth Literature
Kanakkar Varukai (Arrival of the Accountant)

The secretary of Tamil Nadu's … district federation of the All India Charkha Sangam scratched his head. He then cleared his throat and called out, "Narayanan".

There was a twenty-five year old youth in the distant corner of the same room sitting at a desk muttering `nine and three, twelve and seven, nineteen and five…".When he heard the secretary call him, he scribbled something in the accounts book, rose and went towards that man.

"Narayanan. Read this letter. Looks like it will be you who will have to go", said the secretary handing over a letter to the young man.

The young man took the letter, read it and looked up with a scared face.

"Ayyayo, please don't ask me to go".

The letter that had put so much fear into him ran thus:


Khadi Vastralaya,



The Secretary,

Tamil Nadu's … district federation

All India Charkha Sangam.

Dear Sir,

Respectful greetings.

In order to popularize khaddar in this town, I have been running a store for some time. You are aware that I have been buying khaddar from you and selling it here. I do not know why, but the accounts are a total mess here. I have been running the store for the last three months. I look after everything myself. It is only the accounts that I am not satisfied with. First time I added up the amounts, the income came up to Rs. 2852-5-4 while the expenditure came up to Rs. 1950-3-8. When I checked the calculations, the income added up to Rs. 1325-4-5 and the expenditure to Rs. 1720-2-8. When I checked again, a different set of numbers came up. Hence, I request you to send me someone who knows about keeping accounts who can look after the shop for some time. It would be good if he were above fifty years of age.


Commonwealth Literature Journal, Kanakkar Varukai, All India Charkha Sangam, Pattammal, Periyanayaki, Municipal Members, Municipal Gardens, Municipal Buildings, Kanakkar Varukai.