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Advertising Express Magazine:
Customer Complaints : How to Turn Them into Assets?

While customer complaints can be a real challenge for a company, they also provide an opportunity to the company to turn negative situations to positive ones. By effectively dealing with the customer complaints, a company can not only appease a dissatisfied customer but can also build loyalty.


Almost every organization encounters some or the other complaints from its customers. How organizations deal or treat those complaints is more important, both from the view of the organization and customers who have complaints. How well the organization handles complaints and resolves problems determines whether it builds and nurtures customer loyalty or simply watches its business drifting away to its competitors. Therefore, effectively handling customer complaints can be a strong differentiation and positioning strategy.

According to marketing expert Theodore Levitt, one of the surest signs of a bad or declining relationship is the absence of complaints from the customer as nobody is ever that satisfied, especially not for a very long period of time. Most trusted brands or esteemed organizations never claim that their loyal customers have no complaints about their products. Rather they believe that their loyal customers do communicate their satisfaction or dissatisfaction towards the product as they strongly feel that organizations will take their complaints or feedback seriously and work on them. Such organizations focus on having the most satisfied customers. And one of the effective ways to have satisfied customers is to get the feedback from the customers about the company's products and services from time to time, to acknowledge the customers' genuine complaints, if any, immediately and offer a satisfying solution to their complaints within a reasonable time.


Advertising Express Magazine, Customer Complaints, Customer Loyalty, Business Market, Local Management, Customer Satisfaction, Innovative Products, Google Homepages, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Marketing Mix, Monetary Losses.