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HRM Review Magazine:
Employee Engagement

One of the most important assets that differentiate two organizations is its human resources, each a unique combination of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs). It is very important to utilize these talents in the best possible way to gain competitive advantage over others. Only motivation does not work here, it is very important to inculcate a sense of oneness among the employees for the organization's mission and vision. This can be possible only when their efforts are successfully converted into commitment. Hence, the need for employee engagement.


"Survival of the Fittest" is the rule of the game today. In an atmosphere of huge competition and change, organizations need to be the best in order to survive in the long run. An organization needs to gain competitive advantage over the other to excel. Two organizations may afford to invest the same amount of capital in the business, can have the same resources in terms of machinery, latest technology, infrastructure, etc., but what differentiates them is the `manpower' they have. No two organizations can have the same set of Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs), as no two human beings are the same. They are distinct entities with difference in capabilities, the way they think, they work, etc. This is the place where an organization needs to work to gain competitive advantage over the other, by utilizing their KSAs in the best possible way.

At the same time, it is equally important to remember that human beings are emotional beings. It is very much important to satisfy their needs and wants to secure their cent percent effort and turn it into commitment. And this demands for what is called `Employee Engagement'.

Employee Engagement may be defined as the ability to influence the employeestheir heads, hearts and souls to instill in them an intrinsic desire and passion to succeed and excel. Engaged employees develop a sense of oneness with their organization and want their organization to succeed wholeheartedly because they feel connected emotionally and socially to its mission, vision and purpose.


HRM Review Magazine, Employee Engagement, Global Consulting Firms, Employee Satisfaction, Continuous Measurement, Recreation Management Company, Employee Communication, Continuous Process, Technology Services, Organization Success, HR Consulting Firm.