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HRM Review Magazine:
Performance Culture : Tool for Developing Performance Management System

Culture is one of the major factors which leads to either success or failure of any organization. Employees working for the organization adapt to the culture of that organization. They should feel comfortable to work in the organization, only then can they perform well and bring success to the organization. Socialization and mentoring helps the new entrant to learn and adjust himself as per situation. A culture where employees learn to perform better and adapt to changes is called as performance culture. To get a competitive edge in this global competition, performance culture is essential.


Customs, achievements of a particular civilization describes culture; customs are developed by the people who are part of that civilization and who come together with a common purpose. When people come together with a common purpose their behavior is decided by written and unwritten rules. These rules impact individuals and develop unique standards of behavior for that civilization. This develops certain patterns of behavior of a particular culture and cultural differences could be observed.

Culture is a shared phenomenon. Cultural mores (traditions) of a society are passed on from generation to generation and the members of the society share cultural ethos.

Organization is nothing but a group of people coming together with a common purpose. These people belong to different communities and every community has its own culture and pattern of behavior. But when people from varied cultural background form an organization, the organization must develop its own philosophy, values, assumptions, attitudes, expectations and norms which would clarify the role, or purpose, or objective of an organization that can be shared by all members of the organization.

Organizational culture is one of the important tools for performance management system. It supports the organization in achieving success and excellence. Organizational culture has a direct impact on employee performance and satisfaction.


HRM Review Magazine, Performance Culture, Performance Management System, Socialization, Cultural Mores, Organizational Culture, Talent Management, Career Development, Knowledge Management, Decision Making Process, Open Communication Channels, Development Techniques, Organizational Socialization.