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HRM Review Magazine:
Work-Life Balance : An Indispensable Tool for Competitive Advantage

The article discusses the significance of work-life balance of an employee and tries to provide some solutions to this contemporary global crises which demands for greater stability in the corporate world. It also reflects on the factors influencing work-life balance and on the solutions entailing wider scope for employers and employees to relate the same and attain optimum results and satisfaction in their lives. This could appropriately be understood as the harmony between office and personal life. Health is the best gift, Peace the best wealth,


Integrating work and family is a constant challenge, but when done in a balanced way that works for you, the rewards are awesome. The goal should be to integrate your business and your family activities into one cohesive balanced life focused on achieving your dreams and the life you want to have.

Introduction of work-life program in an organization will certainly make it more productive and goal-oriented and will significantly change employees' lives for the better (See Figure). Most of the psychological stress emerging due to work-life imbalance among employees creates an alarming situation for various companies and costs a great amount. For example, 10% of UK's GNP is lost each year due to job generated stress in the form of sickness, absenteeism, high labor turnover, lost productive value, increased recruitment and selection costs, and medical costs. There is a lot left for companies to do in the work-life balance space which can enhance efficiency among employees and offer ultimate success. A broad sweep of the initiatives of such companies is evidence enough and will certainly help them excel and get a competitive advantage to combat the global turmoil.

`Achievement' and `Enjoyment' are the two aspects of life which can be said to be the two faces of the same coin that add value to life. If somebody tries to attain one without the other, then he may not have a true sense of success. Usually, when people are asked about what is priority for them, they give emphasis `on both,' achieving something and also enjoying it. Attaining both, in a day would always make their day.


HRM Review Magazine, Corporate World, Global Crises, Psychological Stress, Global Turmoil, Employee Assistance Programs, Customer Service, Vacation Policies, Employee Engagement Program, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Emerging Markets, Global Economy, Human Resource Department, Economic Landscape.