A redox method has been developed by Sagi and Prasada Rao (1979) for the determination
of Thallium (Tl)(III) by titration with Tin (Sn)(II) sulphate using methylene blue as ionpair
indicator. This method gives good results, but is relatively cumbersome, time consuming
and needs inert atmosphere. The separation of Gallium (Ga), Indium (In) and Tl by
extraction with n-octylaniline in chloroform was reported (Shashikant et al., 1988).
Determination of Ga, In and Tl complexometrically using Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA) and semimethylthymol blue (Medhat et al., 1994), and the determination of In and Tl in the alloys of these two metals were also reported (Melvin et al., 1971). The
extraction-spectrophotometric method was developed for the determination of Tl in
high-purity In (Marczenko et al., 1974) and complexometric determination of Tl(III)
using ethanethiol as a selective masking agent (Karthikeyan et al., 2006). The determination
of In(III) in 1, 2, 5, 8-tetrahydroxyanthraquinone-In(III) complex was reported by
Fernandez-Gutierrez et al. (1985). Determination of In and Tl in foods was also reported
by Evans et al. (1983). In view of the fact that Tl(III) forms a strong complex with EDTA
(Vogel, 1961), a method can be developed to estimate Tl(III) complexometrically using
the same ion-pair indicator. Similarly, based on the difference in the stabilities of the
EDTA complexes of Tl(III) and In(III), in which the later forms a stronger complex
(Vogel, 1961), the present authors envisage the possibility of using ion-pair indicator for
complexometric estimation of In(III) with EDTA in the presence of Tl(III). The method
can also be extended for the estimation of In(III) and Tl(III) in mixtures.