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Effective Executive Magazine:
Developing a Model for Team Learning and Success

Collaboration makes it easier for a team to learn. Enterprise partnering makes it easier for a team to obtain feedback from its stakeholders. In turn, a high collaboration level can help develop and implement a strong enterprise partnering program. Feedback indicates a potential need for the team to reassess itself and can help direct team learning. Both collocation and team size can influence the degree of team collaboration. The appropriate use of technology improves the speed of communication and the efficiency of many of the other success factors.


hen does a team achieve maximum learning and performance? What conditions affect that outcome? What roles do leadership, collaboration and partnering play? How do team tools such as technology and dialog contribute to team learning and success? Written from the practitioner’s point of view, these are some of the areas this paper will explore.


Effective Executive Magazine, Sustaining Success, Idealistic Notion, Financial Fraud, Future Implications, Second-Hand People, Integrity Maintainence, Economic Swings, Dot-com Bubble Mania, Financial Breakdown, Technological Revolution.