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HRM Review Magazine:
Qualities of Dynamic Leaders in Effective Organizations



In organizations, proper manpower utilization is a big issue for the top management. Nowadays, employees have a lot of problems in their day-to-day work life that results in low performance and output. Solving their problems and motivating them is a critical task for the organization. Thus, a dynamic leader must have extra qualities and commitments to overcome such problems. Hence, a real leader is one who acts when conditions and situations necessitate him to lead the employee on the right track to achieve the predetermined goals.


Organizations face numerous problems in a rapidly changing environment. However, forecasting sustains and preserves the organization from collision. Many organizations are capable of predicting the future by means of technology, economic or other changes but lack in several other areas like infrastructure, updated knowledge, skilled manpower, monetary resources to manage the known area of the present environment that dominates the organization. Even though an organization has all these major resources, it often fails in using its manpower to the full extent. In this digital era, a number of corporate giants slip in the sand due to poor utilization of manpower resources. Many globally leading companies hold substantial market share by effective use of manpower resources, and this is also true for major successful domestic industries in different sector which have human capital as their foundation. Thus, a leader’s role is very important in a successful organization for managing human resource problems and also guiding and motivating the manpower resources for achieving the organizational goals. Hence, a dynamic leader with quality commitment and engagement toward organization paves the way for it success.


HRM Review Magazine, Action Research, Organizational Development, Mutual Management, Organizational Change Techniques, Statistical Analysis Techniques, Intervention Process, Management Structures, Rational Social Management, Refreezing, Client Organization, Organizational Culture.